Monitoring System

Monitoring System

Access real-time sensor information and leverage a comprehensive sensor measurement database to empower informed decision-making by generating contour plots of raster data. Our advanced solution enables you to seamlessly tap into real-time sensor data, allowing you to gather valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. With our robust sensor measurement database, you can efficiently store and retrieve sensor readings, facilitating analysis and visualization of data trends over time.

By utilizing contour plots of raster data, you can gain a deeper understanding of spatial patterns and gradients within your sensor measurements. These visual representations enable you to identify areas of interest, anomalies, or critical thresholds, providing valuable information for various applications such as environmental monitoring, infrastructure management, and precision agriculture.

Our solution offers enhanced capabilities to customize and configure contour plots based on your specific requirements. You can adjust parameters such as contour intervals, color scales, and interpolation methods to accurately depict variations and gradients in your sensor data. In addition, our user-friendly interface provides intuitive navigation and manipulation of the generated plots, enabling efficient analysis and interpretation of the information.


Furthermore, our solution supports real-time monitoring, allowing you to continuously track and visualize sensor readings as they are being collected. Timely access to the latest data helps you make informed decisions and take immediate action when necessary.

With our advanced sensor data analysis and visualization capabilities, you can unlock valuable insights from your sensor networks and enhance your decision-making processes. Whether you need to monitor environmental conditions, optimize resource allocation, or detect anomalies, our solution empowers you to leverage real-time data and generate informative contour plots for effective analysis and decision-making.

Scientific modeling: Transforming ideas into tangible insights, revolutionizing the way we understand the world.


Supporting Products

The YOUNG **Model 05103 Wind Monitor** measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  Originally developed for ocean data buoy use it is rugged and corrosion resistant, yet accurate and light weight.  A four-blade helicoid propeller, used to measure wind speed, generates an AC sine wave signal upon rotation.  Wind direction is determined by a vane attached to a precision potentiometer inside an internal housing.  UV stabilized plastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminum parts are used in the construction of the sensor.  Precision grade stainless steel ball bearings with light contacting Teflon seals and a wide temperature grease are used to help exclude contamination.  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

The Wind Monitor is also available with 0-5 VDC outputs, Model 05103V, or 4-20 mA outputs, Model 05103L (both models scaled for 0-100 m/s and 0-360°).  The 05103L is recommended for use in high noise areas or for installations with long cables, typically 300 meters (1,000 feet) or more, up to several kilometers.

Wind Monitor (05103 / 05103L / 05103V)

The YOUNG **Model 05106 Wind Monitor-MA** measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  Similar in operation to Model 05103, it utilizes long-lasting, corrosion resistant, ceramic bearings and ruggedized vertical components for the additional rigors of a marine environment.  The sensor is available with different cable lengths that are attached in a sealed capsule internal to the sensor.  The direct output for wind speed is an AC sine wave and direction is a precision potentiometer.  This sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included.

A separate Surge Protection Assembly,  **Model 19120** , is available that doubles as both a junction box for cable termination and additional electrical transient surge protection.  Separate signal conditioning devices are available to convert the sensor signals to 0-5 V ( **Model 05603C** ) or 4-20 mA ( **Model 05631C** ).  All three of these devices are enclosed in weatherproof enclosures and come with mounting hardware (Model 19120 is not typically used in conjunction with either Model 05603C or 05631C).

Marine Wind Monitor (05106)

The YOUNG **Model 86000 Ultrasonic Anemometer** measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  This lightweight and compact sensor features durable, corrosion-resistant construction with sensitive ultrasonic transducers secured in a streamlined molded frame.  Each sensor is fully wind tunnel tested and calibrated to provide accurate wind measurement over a wide operating range.  The standard sensor features RS-232 and RS-485 serial outputs in a variety of formats.  Analog voltage outputs are provided for wind speed and wind direction. 4-20 mA current signals are available for each channel and are well suited for long cable runs or for industrial settings where noise immunity is important.*  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

The YOUNG **Model 86000-SDI Ultrasonic Anemometer** is a specialized version of Model 86000.  This model operates similarly to Model 86000 but utilizes SDI-12 (v1.3) serial communication protocol to minimize power consumption.

Ultrasonic Anemometer (86000 / 86000-SDI)

The YOUNG **Model 05108 Wind Monitor-HD**  measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  This sensor has many of the same features as Model 05106, including long-lasting, corrosion resistant, ceramic bearings and a ¼ inch diameter propeller shaft.  It features a high pitch propeller that will extend bearing longevity due to its lower rotation rate at like wind speeds.  The direct output for wind speed is an AC sine wave and direction is a precision potentiometer.  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included.

A separate Surge Protection Assembly, **Model 19120** , is available that doubles as both a junction box for cable termination and additional electrical transient surge protection.  Separate signal conditioning devices are available to convert the sensor signals to 0-5 V ( **Model 05608C** ) or 4-20 mA ( **Model 05638C** ).  All three of these devices are enclosed in weatherproof enclosures and come with mounting hardware (Model 19120 is not typically used in conjunction with either Model 05603C or 05631C).

Heavy Duty Wind Monitor-HD( 05108)

The YOUNG  **Model 05108-45 Heavy Duty Wind Monitor HD-Alpine**  measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  This sensor includes ceramic bearings, ¼ inch diameter propeller shaft and high pitch propeller as found in Model 05108.  To improve performance in in high elevation Alpine environments this model has the additional features of an all-black design for thermal warming from sun exposure and a specially formulated, ice resistant coating applied to all external surfaces.  The direct output for wind speed is an AC sine wave and direction is a precision potentiometer.  This sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included.

A separate Surge Protection Assembly, **Model 19120** , is available that doubles as both a junction box for cable termination and additional electrical transient surge protection.  Separate signal conditioning devices are available to convert the sensor signals to 0-5 V ( **Model 05608C** ) or 4-20 mA ( **Model 05638C** ).  All three of these devices are enclosed in weatherproof enclosures and come with mounting hardware (Model 19120 is not typically used in conjunction with either Model 05603C or 05631C).

Heavy Duty Wind Monitor-HD-Alpine( 05108-45)

The YOUNG **Model 86004 Ultrasonic Anemometer** measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  This lightweight and compact sensor features durable, corrosion-resistant construction with sensitive ultrasonic transducers secured in a streamlined molded frame.  Heating elements are thermostatically controlled to activate under low temperature conditions.  Each sensor is fully wind tunnel tested and calibrated to provide accurate wind measurement over a wide operating range.  The standard sensor features RS-232 and RS-485 serial outputs in a variety of formats.  Analog voltage outputs are provided for wind speed and wind direction. 4-20 mA current signals are available for each channel and are well suited for long cable runs or for industrial settings where noise immunity is important.*  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

The YOUNG **Model 86004-SDI Ultrasonic Anemometer** is a specialized version of Model 86004.  This model operates similarly to Model 86004 but utilizes SDI-12 (v1.3) serial communication protocol to minimize power consumption.

An optional Bird Wire Assembly, **Model 86052**, may be use to discourage birds from perching on the sensor.  To achieve optimal performance this assembly must be installed prior to calibration (when used).

Ultrasonic Anemometer – (Heated 86004 / 86004-SDI)

The YOUNG **Model 05305 Wind Monitor-AQ** measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  Adapted from our Model 05103, this sensor is designed to meet many air quality specifications.   A lightweight, carbon fiber thermoplastic (CFT) helicoid propeller, used to measure wind speed, generates an AC sine wave signal upon rotation.  Wind direction is determined by a lightweight, balanced, vane attached to a precision potentiometer inside an internal housing.  UV stabilized plastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminum parts are used in the construction of the sensor.  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

The Wind Monitor-AQ is also available with 0-5 VDC outputs, **Model 05305V** , or 4-20 mA outputs,  **Model 05305L**  (both models scaled for 0-100 m/s and 0-360 degrees).  The 05305L is recommended for use in high noise areas or for installations with long cables, typically 300 meters (1000 feet) or more, up to several kilometers.

AQ Wind Monitor ( 05305 / 05305L / 05305V (meets EPA - PSD)

The YOUNG **Model 86106 Ultrasonic Anemometer** measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  This lightweight and compact sensor features durable, corrosion-resistant construction with sensitive ultrasonic transducers secured in a streamlined molded frame.  Each sensor is fully wind tunnel tested and calibrated to provide accurate wind measurement over a wide operating range.  The sensor is preconfigured to output NMEA serial data (RS-485, 4800 baud) although RS-232 and a variety of output  formats are also available.  Analog voltage outputs are provided for wind speed and wind direction. 4-20 mA current signals are available for each channel and are well suited for long cable runs or for industrial settings where noise immunity is important.*  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

Ultrasonic Anemometer – (Marine 86106 - Preconfigured for NMEA Output)

The YOUNG  **Model 09101 Wind Monitor-SE**  measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  Using the same propeller as the Model 05103, a frequency signal is induced into a stationary coil for speed and an optical encoder that is coupled to the vane is used to determine wind direction.  These signals are converted to either a serial or analog voltage output by means of an onboard microprocessor.  The absolute encoder overcomes the disadvantage of the deadband region found in the potentiometer used on other models.  UV stabilized plastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminum parts are used in the construction of the sensor.  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

The YOUNG  **Model 09106 Wind Monitor-SE-MA** is a modified version of the Model 09101.  This model utilizes long-lasting, corrosion resistant, ceramic bearings and ruggedized vertical components for the additional rigors of a marine environment.

Serial Output Wind Monitor ( 09101 / 091060)

The YOUNG **Model 91000 ResponseONE™ Ultrasonic Anemometer **measures wind speed and wind direction with no moving parts.  The IP66 rated construction enables reliable operation in severe environments.  Each sensor is fully wind tunnel tested and calibrated to provide accurate wind measurement over a wide operating range.  Standard serial output formats include SDI-12, NMEA, and ASCII text.  Output may be continuous or polled to conserve power.  Standard RS-232 or RS-485 serial formats enable direct integration with YOUNG displays, marine NMEA systems, data loggers or other compatible serial devices.  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

The YOUNG **Model 91000B ResponseONE™ Ultrasonic Anemometer** is black in construction.  All other features are identical to Model 91000.

The YOUNG **Model 91500 ResponseONE™ Ultrasonic Anemometer **includes an internal compass to provide orientation for wind direction, making it ideal for mobile or portable applications.

The YOUNG **Model 91500B ResponseONE™ Ultrasonic Anemometer** is black in construction.  All other features are identical to Model 91500.

ResponseONE™ Ultrasonic Anemometer (91000 / 91500 / 91000B / 91500B)

The YOUNG  **Model 05501LM Wind Monitor-IS**  measures horizontal wind speed and direction and can safely be used in Class 1, Division 1, Group A,B,C,D hazardous areas.*  A four-blade helicoid propeller, used to measure wind speed, generates an AC sine wave signal upon rotation.  Wind direction is determined by a vane attached to a precision potentiometer inside an internal housing.  Internal circuitry converts the signals into isolated, 4 to 20 mA current outputs.  The instrument is constructed of UV stabilized plastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminum fittings.  The instrument installs on standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

*Tested in accordance with Safety Standard UL 913, Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for use in Class I, II, and III Division I, Hazardous (classified) locations. Must be properly installed with approved Intrinsically Safe barrier.

Intrinsically Safe Wind Monitor (05501LM)

The YOUNG **Model 81000 Ultrasonic Anemometer** measures both horizontal and vertical wind speed and direction.  This sensor features durable, corrosion-resistant construction with three opposing pairs of ultrasonic transducers supported by stainless steel members.  Each sensor is fully wind tunnel tested and calibrated to provide accurate wind measurement.  The standard sensor features RS-232 and RS-485 serial outputs.  Wind and sonic temperature data are available on four analog voltage outputs.  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

3D Ultrasonic Anemometer 81000 - (Voltage and Serial Output)

The YOUNG  **Model 27106 Gill Propeller Anemometer (EPS)** utilizes a fast response helicoid propeller and high quality tach-generator transducer to produce a DC voltage that is linearly proportional to air velocity.  Airflow from any direction may be measured, however, the propeller responds only to the component of the air flow which is parallel to its axis of rotation.  Off-axis response closely approximates a cosine curve with appropriate polarity.  With perpendicular air flow the propeller will not rotate.  The output signal is suitable for a wide range of signal translators and data logging devices.  The standard Model 27106 with expanded polystyrene (EPS) propeller offers maximum sensitivity at low wind speeds.

The **YOUNG Model 27106D Gill Propeller Anemometer (EPS)** is a modified version of the Model 27106.  It utilizes an optical encoder to produce a square wave, pulsed output, with frequency proportional to wind speed.

Gill Propeller Anemometer (EPS) (27106 / 27106D)

The YOUNG  **Model 27106T Gill Propeller Anemometer (CFT)**  utilizes a fast response helicoid propeller and high quality tach-generator transducer to produce a DC voltage that is linearly proportional to air velocity.  Airflow from any direction may be measured, however, the propeller responds only to the component of the air flow which is parallel to its axis of rotation.  Off-axis response closely approximates a cosine curve with appropriate polarity.  With perpendicular air flow the propeller will not rotate.  The output signal is suitable for a wide range of signal translators and data logging devices.  The Model 27106T utilizes a carbon fiber thermoplastic (CFT) propeller for greater range and durability.

The  **YOUNG Model 27106DT Gill Propeller Anemometer (CFT)**  is a modified version of the Model 27106T.  It utilizes an optical encoder to produce a square wave, pulsed output, with frequency proportional to wind speed.

Gill Propeller Anemometer (CFT) (27106T / 27106DT)

The YOUNG **Model 81000V Ultrasonic Anemometer** measures both horizontal and vertical wind speed and direction.  This sensor features durable, corrosion-resistant construction with three opposing pairs of ultrasonic transducers supported by stainless steel members.  Each sensor is fully wind tunnel tested and calibrated to provide accurate wind measurement.  The standard sensor features RS-232 and RS-485 serial outputs.  Four analog voltage inputs allow data from input devices to be included on the serial output string.  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

3D Ultrasonic Anemometer 81000V -( Voltage Inputs and Serial Outputs)

The YOUNG **Model 03002 Wind Sentry** measures horizontal wind speed and direction.  Three lightweight hemispherical cups, used to measure wind speed, generate an AC sine wave signal upon rotation.  Wind direction is determined by a vane attached to a precision potentiometer inside an internal housing.  UV stabilized plastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminum parts are used in the construction of the sensor.  Precision grade stainless steel ball bearings are used for both the anemometer and vane.  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

The Wind Sentry is also available with 0-1 VDC outputs, **Model 03002V** , or 4-20 mA outputs,  **Model 03002L**  (both models scaled for 0-50 m/s and 0-360°).  The 03002L is recommended for use in high noise areas or for installations with long cables, typically 300 meters (1000 feet) or more, up to several kilometers.

For wind speed only, YOUNG  **Model 03102 Wind Sentry Anemometer, 03102V Wind Sentry Anemometer** (0-1 VDC = 0-50 m/s), and 03102L Wind Sentry Anemometer (4-20 mA = 0-50 m/s) are available separately.

Wind Sentry Anemometer & Vane (03002 / 03002L / 03002V)

The YOUNG **Model 81000 Ultrasonic Anemometer** measures both horizontal and vertical wind speed and direction.  This sensor features durable, corrosion-resistant construction with three opposing pairs of ultrasonic transducers supported by stainless steel members.  An extended mast separates the transducer array from the instrument body to minimize wind disruption.  Each sensor is fully wind tunnel tested and calibrated to provide accurate wind measurement.  The standard sensor features RS-232 and RS-485 serial outputs.  Wind and sonic temperature data are available on four analog voltage outputs.  The sensor mounts on a standard 1-inch IPS pipe.  A mounting orientation ring is included that engages with the base of the sensor to retain orientation when the sensor is removed for maintenance.  Terminations are made in a junction box at the base of the sensor by small clamp-style connectors (no special connectors are required).

The YOUNG **Model 81000VRE Ultrasonic Anemometer is **similar to Model 81000V (four analog voltage inputs) with an extended mast .

3D Ultrasonic Anemometer (81000RE / 81000VRE - Extended Mast)

The YOUNG  **Model 12102 Gill 3-Cup Anemometer**  measures horizontal wind speed.  The three UV resistant hemispherical cup assembly is attached to a high quality tach-generator transducer to produce a DC voltage that is linearly proportional to air velocity.  A mounting bracket is included that installs on a standard ¾ inch IPS threaded pipe.

Gill 3-Cup Anemometer (12102)

 **Model 41382 Relative Humidity/Temperature Probe**  combines a high accuracy, capacitance type humidity sensor and precision Platinum RTD temperature sensor in one probe. This probe offers a choice of 0-1 VDC or 4-20 mA outputs for T and RH.

 **Model 41342 Temperature Probe** offers accurate temperature-only measurement. Three output options are available: 0-1 VDC, 4-20 mA, and 4 wire RTD.

Probes are easily installed in YOUNG naturally ventilated (multi-plate) or aspirated radiation shields.
 **Model 41003P-24**  Multi-Plate Radiation Shield
 **Model 43502**  Aspirated Radiation Shield

When used with a YOUNG 26800 Meteorological Translator, ‘C’ models are typically used (the 26800 will convert the values to °F for domestic use).

Optional temperature scalings are available.  Please contact us for details.

Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensors

The YOUNG Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge utilizes a proven tipping bucket mechanism for simple and effective rainfall measurement. The bucket geometry and materials are specially selected for maximum water release, thereby reducing contamination and errors.  Catchment area of 200 cm2 and measurement resolution of 0.1 mm meet the recommendations of the WMO. Leveling screws and bullseye level are built in for easy and precise adjustment in the field. Measured precipitation is discharged through a collection tube for verification of total rainfall.

Model **52202** is heated for operation in cold temperatures.

Model **52203** is unheated for use in moderate climates.

Marine grade Models **52202-20** and **52203-20** with a stainless-steel housing are available for coastal (salt air) or other corrosive environments.

An optional Bird Wire Assembly, Model **52250**, may be use to discourage birds from perching on the funnel rim.

Heated models come with a standard 120 VAC to 24VAC power adapter for heater operation (230 VAC to 24 VAC for ‘H’ versions).

Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge (52202 / 52203)

YOUNG barometric pressure sensors combine high accuracy and low power consumption over a wide range of pressures (500 to 1100 hPa) and temperatures.  The compact size allows easy placement in most standard enclosures.  The barometer is available in two configurations to satisfy a variety of applications:

Model  **61402V**  offers 0-5 VDC and RS-232 output

Model  **61402L**  offers 4-20 mA, RS-232, RS-485 and SDI-12 outputs.

For outdoor installation, Model 61360 Weatherproof Enclosure and Model 61002 Pressure Port are recommended.

Barometric Pressure Sensor (61402V / 61402L)

The TempVue 20 consists of a wire-wrapped, four-wire Pt100 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) element encapsulated in an epoxy-filled, stainless-steel housing. The thin yet robust housing, combined with the Pt100 sensing element, provide a truly WMO-compliant sensor to meet the 20-second step response time with an ambient wind speed of only 1 m/s (3.3 ft/s). The digital TempVue 20 also gives users much more measurement confidence than an analog sensor is able to provide, such as status information and the removal of any hassles regarding calibration inputs.

The TempVue 20 has a maximum measurement uncertainty of only 0.3 Kelvin over the entire measurement range of -60° to +60°C, with only 0.1 Kelvin over the most common temperature range of -40° to +40°C.

TempVue 20 Pt100 Digital Air (Temperature Sensor)

The sensor consists of a wire-wrapped, four-wire Pt100 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) element encapsulated in an epoxy-filled, stainless-steel housing. The thin yet robust housing, combined with the Pt100 sensing element, provide the first true WMO-compliant sensor to meet the 20-second step response time with an ambient wind speed of only 1 m/s (3.3 ft/s).

The TempVue 10 has a maximum measurement uncertainty of only 0.3 Kelvin over the entire measurement range of -80° to +60°C, with only 0.1 Kelvin over the most common temperature range of -40° to +40°C.

TempVue 10 Pt100 Analog (Temperature Sensor)

The HygroVue™10 offers a combined temperature and relative humidity element in an advanced digital sensor that is ideal for weather networks. The electronics within the sensor provide accurate measurements, and the sensor is easy to use. The digital SDI-12 output allows a simple connection and measurement by many data logging systems. Another benefit is that this digital output avoids the extra errors associated with measuring analog sensors.

A hydrophobic sintered filter prevents dirt and water from entering the cap. The filter is designed to be resistant to wind-driven rain. A secondary PTFE membrane filter is bonded to the surface of the sensor element to prevent finer dust and mold from directly influencing the measurements.

Because the sensor housing is designed to withstand permanent exposure to various weather conditions and to fit inside a range of radiation shields (including compact shields), the HygroVue 10 is truly suitable for a wide range of monitoring applications.

The HygroVue 10 uses a latest-generation, Swiss-made, combined relative humidity and temperature element based on CMOSens® technology that offers good measurements, accuracy, and stability. Each element of the HygroVue 10 is individually calibrated with the calibration corrections stored on the chip. You can easily change the sensor element in the field, which reduces your downtime and calibration costs.  
  **Benefits and Features**
Uses a combined, pre-calibrated digital humidity and temperature element
Field-changeable element for fast, on-site recalibration
Digital SDI-12 output, allowing long cables with no added errors
Simple data logger programming
Low power consumption
Wide operating voltage
Rugged design with potted electronics
Standard M12 connector with IP67 sealing rating.

When you use the HygroVue 10 outdoors, it is standard practice to install the sensor within a housing, known as a shield. The shield prevents solar radiation from heating the sensor and creating measurement errors. The radiation shield also provides a degree of protection from adverse weather, such as hail or driving rain. The most common type of shield is a relatively small, naturally ventilated screen that is low maintenance and requires no power. 

The HygroVue 10 is specifically designed for field use with dimensions to suit common radiation shields. (Campbell Scientific recommends the RAD10E 10-Plate Solar Radiation Shield.) You can mount the RAD10E on vertical or horizontal poles.

**Field Calibration**
Calibration is easy to carry out by simply changing the sensor element. As each sensor element is individually calibrated, no further adjustments of the sensor are required. This means that when you change the element, it returns the sensor to the factory calibration state for both temperature and humidity—without interrupting your measurement collection for long periods.

HygroVue 10

The EE181 is a rugged, accurate air temperature and relative humidity (RH) probe that is ideal for long-term, unattended applications. It includes a proprietary coating on the RH element that increases the life of the element and protects it from dirt, dust, salt, or other contaminants. A 1000 Ω PRT measures air temperature for the -40° to +60°C range. For optimum results, the EE181 should be recalibrated annually.


he HMP155A provides reliable relative humidity (RH) and temperature measurements for a wide range of applications. It uses a HUMICAP®180R capacitive thin film polymer sensor to measure RH over the 0 to 100% RH range. A PRT measures temperature over the -80° to +60°C range. This rugged, accurate temperature/RH probe is manufactured by Vaisala.

To reduce the current drain, power can be supplied to the HMP155A only during measurement when the sensor is connected to the data logger’s switched 12 V terminal. Data loggers that do not have a switched 12 V terminal, such as the CR510 or CR7, can use the SW12V switched 12 V device to switch power to the sensor only during measurement.


The ClimaVue™50 is an affordable all-in-one meteorological sensor that fulfills your common weather monitoring needs with simplicity, when paired with any of Campbell Scientific's highly flexible and scalable data collection platforms. This sensor uses SDI-12 to report air temperature, relative humidity, vapor pressure, baro­metric pressure, wind (speed, gust, and direction), solar radiation, precipitation, and lightning strike (count and distance). It does this with no moving parts, while consuming little power. A built-in tilt sensor assures long-term data integrity. This diverse product is great for quick deployment, for remote locations, for large networks, as part of a more complex system, or if you just need something simple.

ClimaVue 50 Compact Digital Weather Sensor

The HMP60, manufactured by Vaisala, probe measures air temperature for the range of -40° to +60°C, and relative humidity for the range of 0 to 100% RH. It uses the INTERCAP® capacitive RH chip. This field-replaceable chip eliminates the downtime typically required for the recalibration process.


The MetSens200 compact weather sensor measures wind speed and direction via an ultrasonic sensor. An integrated electronic compass allows the MetSens200 to provide accurate, relative wind direction measurements without being oriented in a particular way, making installation easier. WMO average wind speed and direction and gust data are provided. The MetSens200 is compatible and easily integrated with the MeteoPV Solar Resource Platform and any Campbell Scientific data logger using SDI-12, RS-485, ModbusRS-485, or NMEA RS-232.

MetSens200 Compact Weather Sensor for Wind with Compass

The MetSens300 compact weather sensor measures air temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure in a single, combined instrument mounted inside three double-louvered, naturally aspirated radiation shields with no moving parts. Temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, absolute humidity, air density, and wet bulb temperature data are provided. The MetSens300 is compatible and easily integrated with the MeteoPV Solar Resource Platform and any Campbell Scientific data logger using SDI-12, RS-485, ModbusRS-485, or NMEA RS-232.

MetSens300 Compact Weather Sensor for Temperature, RH, and Barometric Pressure

The SkyVue™PRO LIDAR Ceilometer measures cloud height and vertical visibility for meteorological and aviation applications and is ideal for long-term research applications where a high level of detail is required.

Its robust construction is ideal for long-term installation, as it requires minimal maintenance and features a unique stratocumulus calibration procedure—allowing the ceilometer to be calibrated in the field.

The SkyVue PRO complies with CAA, WMO, and ICAO guidance and meets or exceeds all recommendations and specifications, including CAP437, CAP670, and CAP746.

With an operational reporting range of 10 km, the SkyVue PRO is easy to use yet boasts advanced signal processing and unique optical arrangements to provide superior resolution and performance.

The SkyVue PRO has many standard features, from a tilting base and two-axis inclinometer for automatic correction of cloud heights to heaters, blowers, and a sun filter for operation under all conditions—making deployments possible around the world.

Unique standard features include an easy-to-operate stratocumulus calibration, long-life back-up battery, and twin clocks to augment its many continuous diagnostic self-checks and provide assurance of continuous, reliable, and accurate performance.

 **Detailed Description**

The SkyVue PRO LIDAR ceilometer measures cloud height and vertical visibility for meteorological and aviation applications or long-term research applications where a high level of detail is required. Using LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) technology, the instrument transmits fast, low-power laser pulses into the atmosphere and detects backscattered returns from clouds and aerosols above the instrument.

A unique, efficient single-lens design increases optical signal-to-noise ratio and allows for larger optics in a compact package, improving accuracy and measurement performance. The optics are immune to damage from direct sunlight.

This approach, along with state-of-the-art electronics, provides a powerful and stable platform from which to measure cloud height and vertical visibility to high accuracy. The SkyVue PRO measures the atmosphere with high stability and repeatability, delivering excellent performance in even the harshest of conditions.

The SkyVue PRO provides information on cloud height, sky condition (up to five layers), vertical visibility, and raw backscatter profiles to a range of 10 km.

An automated Mixing Layer Height (MLH) option is available for air-quality applications. MLH is an important parameter in modelling air quality and air pollution episodes. The MLH is determined based on the operational algorithm used by KNMI, which detects the top of boundary layers.

The algorithm runs within the SkyVue PRO itself, and the results are incorporated in data messages, making it easy to incorporate the MLH into whatever systems are already in use without the need to run external special software. If you require the MLH option, please contact us.

The unique stratocumulus calibration capability, which allows users to calibrate measurements of scatter coefficients, uses a simple and user-friendly field method, giving complete confidence in the scatter profiles reported and removes the requirement to have the unit sent back for calibration.

Reliable range measurement is further assured by cross-checking two separate internal quartz clocks, eliminating the possibility of unidentified errors due to clock drift.

The SkyVue PRO can be tilted at various angles up to 24°. A small tilt is important, as it allows the ceilometer to resist high levels of reflection from large raindrops and frozen particles that can impair vertical-type sensors. The tilt also improves rain run-off on the ceilometer window, resulting in a much higher performance compared with vertical ceilometers.

Tilting to 24° also means that it can be operated anywhere in the world without the sun shining into the lens and resulting in missing data. An internal two-axis inclinometer provides automatic correction of cloud height at all angles, ensuring ease of installation and confidence that cloud heights are automatically corrected throughout the lifetime of the installation. 

 **Software for data visualization and interpretation**
Ceilometer data can be displayed using Campbell’s Viewpoint software or fed directly into existing data systems. The Campbell Viewpoint software will display the output from the ceilometer in a convenient and configurable form, including information on sky condition, mixing layers, and scatter profiles. All can be displayed simultaneously or separately with ranges and time scales. For more information on Viewpoint click here.

SkyVue PRO (LIDAR Ceilometer)

The MetSens500 compact weather sensor measures wind speed and direction via an ultrasonic sensor, as well as air temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure, in a single, combined instrument mounted inside three double-louvered, naturally aspirated radiation shields with no moving parts. An integrated electronic compass allows the MetSens500 to provide accurate, relative wind direction measurements without being oriented in a particular way, making installation easier. WMO average wind speed and direction and gust, temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, absolute humidity, air density, and wet bulb temperature data are provided. The MetSens500 is compatible and easily integrated with the MeteoPV Solar Resource Platform and any Campbell Scientific data logger using SDI-12, RS-485, ModbusRS-485, or NMEA RS-232.

MetSens500 Compact Weather Sensor for Temperature, RH, Barometric Pressure, and Wind with Compass

The SkyVue™8 LIDAR Ceilometer is ideal for measuring cloud base heights and vertical visibility at airports, helipads (onshore or offshore), and other meteorological applications. The SkyVue 8 measures the atmosphere with high stability and repeatibility, providing you with information on cloud base heights, sky condition (up to five layers), vertical visibility, and raw backscatter profiles. Notably, the ceilometer meets or exceeds all the necessary ICAO, CAA, and WMO requirements and recommendations.

Because of its robust construction, the SkyVue 8 only requires minimal maintenance and can be continuously used in either static or mobile applications in harsh environments. Its compact design and low weight of 18 kg make it easy to transport and deploy.

With an operational reporting range of 8 km, the SkyVue 8 has one of the highest in its class. It is easy to use yet features advanced signal processing and unique optics to provide superior resolution and performance.

The SkyVue 8 has many standard features, from a tilting base and two-axis inclinometer for automatic correction of cloud base heights to heaters, blowers, and a sun filter for operation under all conditions—making deployments possible around the world.

Unique standard features include an easy-to-operate stratocumulus calibration, long-life back-up battery, and twin clocks to augment its many continuous diagnostic self-checks and provide assurance of continuous, reliable, and accurate performance.

 **Detailed Description**
The SkyVue 8 LIDAR ceilometer measures cloud base heights and vertical visibility for meteorological and aviation applications. Using LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) technology, the ceilometer transmits fast, low-power laser pulses (not harmful to eyes) into the atmosphere and detects backscattered returns from clouds and aerosols above the instrument. 

A unique, efficient, single-lens design increases optical signal-to-noise ratio and allows for larger optics in a compact package, improving accuracy and measurement performance.

This approach, along with state-of-the-art electronics, provides a powerful and stable platform from which to measure cloud base heights and vertical visibility to high accuracy. The SkyVue 8 measures the atmosphere with high stability and repeatability, delivering excellent performance in even the harshest of conditions.

The SkyVue 8 provides information on cloud base heights, sky condition (up to five layers), vertical visibility, and raw backscatter profiles to a range of 8 km.

The unique stratocumulus calibration capability, which allows users to calibrate measurements of scatter coefficients, uses a simple and user-friendly field method, giving complete confidence in the scatter profiles reported and removes the requirement to have the unit sent back for calibration. 

Reliable range measurement is further assured by cross-checking two separate internal quartz clocks, eliminating the possibility of unidentified errors due to clock drift.

The SkyVue 8 can be tilted at various angles up to 24°. Tilting the SkyVue 8 by even a few degrees can be important, as it allows the ceilometer to resist high levels of reflection from large raindrops and frozen particles that can impair vertical-type sensors. The tilt also improves rain run-off on the ceilometer window, resulting in a much higher performance compared with vertical ceilometers.

Tilting to 24° also means that it can be operated anywhere in the world without the sun shining into the lens and resulting in missing data. An internal two-axis inclinometer provides automatic correction of cloud base heights at all angles, ensuring ease of installation and confidence that cloud base heights are automatically corrected throughout the lifetime of the installation.

The SkyVue 8 complies with ICAO, CAA, and WMO guidance and meets or exceeds all recommendations and specifications. (This includes ICAO 9837, ICAO Annex 3, CAP437, and CAP746.)

 **Software for data visualization and interpretation **
Ceilometer data can be displayed using Campbell’s Viewpoint software or fed directly into existing data systems. The Campbell Viewpoint software will display the output from the ceilometer in a convenient and configurable form, including information on sky condition, mixing layers, scatter profiles, etc. All can be displayed simultaneously or separately with ranges and time scales. For more information on Viewpoint click here

SkyVue 8 (LIDAR Ceilometer)

The MetSens550 compact weather sensor measures wind speed and direction via an ultrasonic sensor, as well as air temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure, in a single, combined instrument mounted inside three double-louvered, naturally aspirated radiation shields with no moving parts. An integrated side connector allows users to connect a tipping bucket rain gauge. An integrated electronic compass allows the MetSens550 to provide accurate, relative wind direction measurements without being oriented in a particular way, making installation easier. WMO average wind speed and direction and gust, temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, absolute humidity, air density, wet bulb temperature, rainfall total, and rainfall intensity data are provided. The MetSens550 is compatible and easily integrated with the MeteoPV Solar Resource Platform and any Campbell Scientific data logger using SDI-12, RS-485, ModbusRS-485, or NMEA RS-232.

MetSens550 Compact Weather Sensor for Temperature, RH, Barometric Pressure, and Wind with Precipitation Connector and Compass

The MetSens600 compact weather sensor measures wind speed and direction via an ultrasonic sensor, as well as air temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure, in a single, combined instrument mounted inside three double-louvered, naturally aspirated radiation shields with no moving parts. An optical precipitation sensing element senses fine amounts of water. An integrated electronic compass allows the MetSens600 to provide accurate, relative wind direction measurements without being oriented in a particular way, making installation easier. WMO average wind speed and direction and gust, temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, absolute humidity, air density, wet bulb temperature, rainfall total, and rainfall intensity data are provided. The MetSens600 is compatible and easily integrated with the MeteoPV Solar Resource Platform and any Campbell Scientific data logger using SDI-12, RS-485, ModbusRS-485, or NMEA RS-232.

MetSens600 Compact Weather Sensor for Temperature, RH, Barometric Pressure, Wind, and Rainfall Indication with Compass

Oxygen diffuses through the CS511’s membrane onto a cathode that produces a chemical reaction. An electrical current is produced by this reaction, which is converted from microamps to millivolts by an in-line resistor. An in-line thermistor provides automatic temperature compensation.

Because the CS511 is shipped dry, DO electrolyte needs to be added before using the sensor. DO electrolyte as well as spare membranes are included in the sensor’s shipping kit.

Currently, the CS511 is Sensorex’s Model DO6400/T. Prior to June 2008, the CS511 was Sensorex’s Model DO6200/T. Programming, wiring, and most specifications are the same for these two sensors. However, they use different accessories and look different. Replacement parts remain available for the older DO6200/T. (See the Ordering Info on the web page.)

For an image of the older DO6200/T, see the retired version of the CS511 manual. Contact Campbell Scientific for more information.

CS511-L Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

The CCFC Field Camera is a high-quality, high-resolution outdoor zoom video and still image camera specifically designed for remote outdoor observation applications. The camera captures high-quality photos and video in wide-angle, and with 18x optical zoom, under various lighting conditions. Our Field Camera consumes low power, making it ideal for outdoor observation in remote locations using a solar-power battery. The camera can also operate with ac power where ac is available. It has a high-quality, very rugged anodized aluminum environmental case that enables its outdoor use in extremes of temperature. The Field Camera is compatible with Campbell Scientific data loggers, as well as other data logger brands.

 **Featuring New NDVI Capability!**
With OS version 2.5 or above, the CCFC Field Camera is able to function as a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) sensor. This feature uses infrared data to produce a visualization of live green vegetation in the image. This allows the user to determine at-a-glance areas of healthy growth and areas where growth is less abundant. Applications for NDVI include vegetation dynamics, biomass production, grazing management, changes in rangeland condition, soil moisture, and CO2 flux.For more information about the CCFC
 ** Wi-Fi Camera Access**
This outdoor camera, which includes Wi-Fi access, can be controlled using a smartphone from the safety of the ground. The CCFC features an all-web interface that makes setup and configuration easy. The interface works on any desktop or mobile browser, and it contains built-in tips to ensure you are getting the most out of your outdoor camera. The camera capture and retrieval modes are highly configurable, enabling even the most advanced users complete control of settings.

 **Camera Zoom and Auto Focus**
The CCFC comes with a high-quality 18x optical zoom lens and an upgraded image sensor (when compared to the CC5MPX camera model). Users can designate up to 15 preset lens positions to capture photos or video from different zoom lengths for each capture event. The camera's auto-focus feature enables it to automatically re-focus at each zoom length so each trigger event captures a collection of clear photos and video.

 **High-Quality Photos and Video**
The camera can produce photos of up to 5 megapixels and video up to 720p. The camera's photo and video capture trigger modes include two independent timed captures, as well as external triggers, such as data logger control, motion detection, and web interface control. These capture modes make the CCFC an ideal camera for a wide variety of outdoor observation and surveillance applications. The camera comes with 16 GB of internal memory to store captured media.

 **Getting Photos and Video**
The camera can send photos and video directly to a desktop or publish them to the web via various communications options. Photos and video taken by the camera can be delivered to you from remote locations via cellular modem, Ethernet 10/100, RS-232, RS-485, satellite, and PakBus. The camera can be configured to act as a webcam that publishes photos and video directly to a website using various communications devices. The CCFC comes with 16 GB of outdoor-rated internal memory.

 **Night Mode**
The CCFC Field Camera is equipped with two IR LEDs and configurable Night Mode settings, so images can be captured under almost any lighting condition.

Two mounting options add versatility to the camera's applications. The camera can be used worldwide and is suitable for the following outdoor observation and surveillance applications:

- Weather stations
- Water movement and level
- Weather forecasting and cloud monitoring
- Dam safety
- Construction sites and empty buildings
- Asset monitoring
- Flood forecasting
- Winter resort snow conditions
- Energy generation and distribution network
- Infrastructure
- Iceberg and glacier monitoring
- Avalanche monitoring
- Point of interest and learning centers (such as national parks, historic sites, etc.)
- Forest canopy monitoring
- Public places and special events
- Solar and wind farms
- Air quality
- Forest fire detection
- Seismic and vibration monitoring
- Snow monitoring
- Vegetation monitoring
- Animal observation

CCFC (Outdoor Observation and Surveillance Field Camera)

The CS512 consisted of a self-polarizing galvanic cell with automatic temperature compensation from 0° to +40°C. It had a linear mV output, which was proportional to the oxygen present in the measured media (e.g., water, air, gas, oil, etc.). The probe could measure dissolved oxygen in aquaculture, water quality, waste water, and pure oxygen measurement applications.

CS512 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

The CS510 OxyGuard Dissolved Oxygen probe was a self-polarizing galvanic cell with automatic temperature compensation from +4° to +40°C. It had a linear mV output which was proportional to the oxygen present in the measured media.

CS512 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

The CS11 detects and measures the ac current along an electrical wire using the magnetic field that is generated by that current. The sensor outputs a millivolt signal allowing it to be directly connected to our data loggers.

The CS11 uses CR Magnetic's CR8459 Current Transformer to detect the ac current along an electrical wire using the magnetic field that is generated by that current. The CS11 is external to the wire jacket and has no direct electrical connection to the system.

The CS11 is recommended for measurements that do not require high accuracy, such as motor or generator load condition monitoring, efficiency studies, intermittent fault detection, and rough submetering.

CS11-L (AC Current Sensor)

The 255-100, manufactured by Novalynx, determines evaporation rate by measuring the changing water level in your evaporation pan. The evaporation gauge produces a resistance output that Campbell Scientific data loggers can monitor. The 255-200 or another standard National Weather Service Class A evaporation pan must be purchased separately.

The 255-100 consists of a float, pulley, and counterweight attached to a precision 1000-ohm potentiometer mounted through a gear assembly in a weatherproof housing. It has a triangular base plate equipped with three leveling screws and a bubble level. The potentiometer produces a resistance output proportional to the position of the float, which can be monitored on site using a data logger or monitored remotely by telemetry equipment.

The 255-100 can be placed directly in the pan, or connected to the pan using the 255-100P/F stainless-steel pipe and fittings. Instead of using the 255-100P/F, a 1/2-in. polybraid (fiber reinforced) flexible tubing, nylon fittings (1/2-in. NPT x Hose Bar), and small stainless-steel hose clamps can be used; this equipment is available from a local hardware store.

255-100 (Analog Output Evaporation Gauge)

The 0871LH1, manufactured by Goodrich, is a sensor that detects the presence of icing conditions so that appropriate actions can be taken to prevent damage to power and communication lines, to warn of road hazards, or to keep ice off wind turbine blades or a plane’s wings.

 **Detailed Description**
The 0871LH1 uses resonant frequencies to determine the presence of icing conditions. Its main component is a nickel alloy rod that has a natural resonant frequency of 40 kHz. As ice collects on the rod, the added mass causes the resonant frequency to decrease. When the frequency decreases to 130 Hz (or 0.02-in. layer of ice), an internal heater automatically defrosts the sensor.

 **Wind Energy Applications**
The 0871LH1 can detect ice on a wind turbine’s blade, which is undesirable because:

Blade can throw large chunks of ice a considerable distance—an extremely dangerous, potentially lethal situation.
Formation of ice can cause unbalanced loading on the turbine’s blades, bearings, and gear box.
Ice reduces the turbine’s power output.

The 0871LH1 can be used for wind prospecting applications by helping predict the amount of time a potential wind power site may be out of commission due to icing conditions. Additionally, the sensor lets users know when ice is preventing their wind sensors from providing data.

0871LH1 (Freezing-Rain Sensor)

The CS506 reports the status of small-diameter (10-hour) forest fire fuels as percent moisture by weight (1%=1 g water/100 g dry fuel). It consists of an epoxy-encapsulated electronics package that uses time-domain reflectometry (TDR) technology to measure the moisture content of the 26601 10-hour Fuel Moisture Stick. The sensor produces a ±0.7 Vdc square-wave frequency that is read using an analog or pulse channel on a Campbell Scientific data logger. The data logger then converts the frequency measurement to percent fuel moisture via a quadratic calibration.

CS506-L Fuel Moisture Sensor

The GPS16X-HVS is a global positioning system (GPS) receiver that provides position, velocity, and timing information. Campbell Scientific configures the GPS16X-HVS and modifies its cable so that the receiver can more easily interface with our data loggers 
Detailed Description

The GPS16X-HVS, manufactured by Garmin International, consists of a receiver and an integrated antenna. It receives signals from orbiting Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites and then uses the signals to calculate position and velocity. The GPS16X-HVS also provides a highly accurate one-pulse-per-second (PPS) output for precise timing measurements.

Default settings are typically used. The default settings and options are changed using GPS16 software, which is available, at no charge, from the Garmin website ( Additional hardware is required to connect the GPS16X-HVS to the computer running the GPS16 software (see Ordering Information for more  information).

By default, the instruction expects the GPS unit to be set up at 38400 baud, outputting the GPRMC and GPGGA sentences once per second. The data logger expects the start of the second to coincide with the rising edge of the PPS signal. If there is no PPS signal or if the required sentences come out at less than once per second, the data logger will not update its clock.

GPS units with lower baud rates can be used with the GPS instruction, but the baud rate has to be set for the relevant Com port it is to be connected to either in the data logger settings or by including a SetStatus command after the BeginProg instruction in the program (for example, SetStatus("BaudrateCOM4",19200)). Baud rates below 2400 bps will not work, as the GPS unit will not be able to transmit the two GPS sentences once per second reliably. Similar problems can be encountered even at higher baud rates if too many optional GPS strings are selected to be output.

GPS16X-HVS GPS (Receiver with Integrated Antenna)

The LWS, manufactured by METER Environment, can detect small amounts of water or ice on the sensor surface for leaf wetness applications. Because the LWS measures the dielectric constant of the sensor’s upper surface, it can detect the presence of water or ice anywhere on the sensor’s surface. 

The LWS is designed to be deployed either in the canopy or on a weather station mast. Two holes in the non-sensing portion of the sensor body are provided for attaching the sensor to a pole or branch via twist ties or with 4-40 bolts.
Note: The LWS was previously ordered as the LWS-L.

LWS Leaf-(Wetness Sensor)

The SG000 is an optical-coincidence lightning sensor that detects actual lightning strikes for up to 20 miles away. Available as an option for our CS110 Electric Field Meter, the SG000 Strike Guard is used in conjunction with the CS110 to create a complete lightning-threat measurement and analysis system. Data from the two sensors can be used to control warning systems and to help personnel make evacuation and shutdown decisions.

 **Detailed Description**
The SG000 Strike Guard detects cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning within a 20-mile radius. Strike information is classified in three range categories as lightning detected within 5 miles, 10 miles, and 20 miles. To prevent false alarms, the SG000 requires an optical signal to coincide with a magnetic-field-change signal before reporting lightning.

The SG000 is typically mounted on the same tripod or pole as the CS110. The SG000 connects to the CS110 via the FC100, the 14291 Field Power Cable, and the FC100CBL1-L (typically 10+ feet), and the following equipment depending on which CS110 port it is connected to.

 **Lightning Detection Ranges**
The SG000 has three categories for lightning detection range estimates:

- CAUTION: Lighting is within 20 miles.
- WARNING: Lightning is within 10 miles.
- ALARM: Lighting is within 5 miles.
  **CS I/O Port**
- CS110CBL2-L (typically 9 feet)
- SC932A
- 16987 Peripheral Mtg kit
 **RS-232 Port**
- CS110CBL1-L (typically 9 feet)
The SG000 is an add-on option to the CS110. Due to a contractual agreement, it cannot be sold without the CS110, as a stand-alone sensor.

SG000 (Strike Guard Lightning Sensor)

Campbell Scientific’s IRGASON® fully integrates the open-path analyzer and sonic anemometer. Designed specifically for eddy-covariance carbon and water flux measurements, the patented design is easier to install and use than separate sensors and provides increased measurement accuracy. The IRGASON simultaneously measures absolute carbon dioxide and water vapor, air temperature, barometric pressure, three-dimensional wind speed, and sonic air temperature. U.S. patent D680455

For more information about the benefits of having a colocated measurement, refer to the poster "Improved eddy flux measurements by open-path gas analyzer and sonic anemometer co-location."

IRGASON Integrated CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3-D Sonic Anemometer

The CSIM11, manufactured by Wedgewood Analytical, measures the full pH range of liquids. It can be submerged in water or inserted into tanks, pipelines, and open channels. The CSIM11 is intended for non-pressurized systems and was not designed for applications above 30 psi. Please contact Campbell Scientific for recommendations on probes suitable for installations in pressurized pipes.
The CSIM11 has a plunger-style pH glass electrode that allows the CSIM11 to be mounted at any angle. Its porous polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) liquid junction is less susceptible to clogging as compared to conventional reference junctions.

A titanium ground rod runs inside the PPS outer body to eliminate ground loop errors. An internal amplifier boosts the signal, decreasing signal interference. The amplifier is powered by two internal lithium batteries, and thus does not require any power from the data logger. These batteries are designed to last the lifetime of the probe.

The reference solutions and bulb configuration are optimized for natural water applications. Alternate reference solutions and bulb configurations are available. Contact Campbell Scientific for pricing and availability.

 **Note** : The CSIM11 uses glass bulb technology which has a life expectancy of around 6 months to 2 years, depending on the conditions of the water.

CSIM11-(L pH Sensor)

he CPEC310 with EasyFlux® is a turn-key, closed-path eddy-covariance (EC) flux system for long-term monitoring of atmospheric-biosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, heat, and momentum. A complete system consists of a closed-path gas analyzer (EC155 closed-path gas analyzer), sonic anemometer (CSAT3A sonic anemometer), data logger (CR6 datalogger), sample pump, three-valve module that enables automatic zero and CO2 span measurements (manual H2O span), and accommodations for a CDM-A116 analog input expansion module allowing for additional sensors.

The gas analyzer’s patented vortex intake design (United States Patent No. 9,217,692) and small sample cell volume (5.9 mL) provide a much lower flow rate than other closed-path systems while maintaining excellent frequency response (4.3 Hz cutoff frequency). Additionally, this design makes the system virtually maintenance free while still maintaining an ideal frequency response compared to traditional inline filters. Lower flow allows the CPEC310 to have one of the lowest total system power requirements (12 W) of any closed-path eddy covariance system. Campbell Scientific manufactures all components of the CPEC310, including the data logger and EasyFlux® DL software for computing and correcting fluxes, which gives our system the most reliable functionality.

CPEC310 Expandable Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System with EC155, Pump Module, and Automatic Zero and Span

The RainVue™️20 is ideal for many hydrological or meteorological applications such as weather stations and flood warning systems. The RainVue 20 is an SDI-12 tipping bucket rain gage in the RainVue family of products. Advanced algorithms and digital processing within the sensor compensate for errors caused by high-intensity rain and provide accurate precipitation and intensity measurements. Constructed of an aerodynamic powder-coated aluminum funnel, the RainVue 20 is robust and minimizes the amount of liquid precipitation that is lost due to the effects of wind. This rain gage offers the user flexibility with the option to select from a series of set cable lengths or a user-defined cable length.

The RainVue 20 funnels rainfall through a stainless-steel gauze filter that traps and removes debris. The rainfall flows through a nozzle into one of the two halves of the tipping bucket. The internal tipping bucket assembly rotates around precision, rolling pivot bearings. It tips when the first bucket fills to a fixed calibrated level, and then the balance arm moves the second bucket under the funnel. A magnet attached to the balance arm actuates a reed switch as the bucket tips.

The aerodynamic design of the RainVue 20 prevents wind from carrying the rainfall away from the collecting vessel. With traditional cylindrical rain gages, wind can reduce the rainfall catch by up to 20 percent. The RainVue 20 also includes a microprocessor that corrects for rainfall intensity and outputs an SDI-12 signal.

RainVue 20 SDI-12 (Precipitation Sensor with Aluminum Funnel)

The TE525, manufactured by Texas Electronics, has a 6 in. orifice and measures rainfall in 0.01 in. increments. It is compatible with all Campbell Scientific data loggers, and it is widely used in environmental monitoring applications.

The TE525 funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to its calibrated level. A magnet attached to the tipping mechanism actuates a switch as the bucket tips. The momentary switch closure is counted by the pulse-counting circuitry of our data loggers.

TE525-L (Rain Gage with 6 in. Orifice)

The TE525WS, manufactured by Texas Electronics, is a tipping bucket rain gage that conforms to the National Weather Service recommendation for an 8 in. funnel orifice. It measures rainfall in 0.01 in. increments. This tipping bucket is compatible with all Campbell Scientific data loggers, and it is widely used in environmental monitoring applications.

The TE525WS funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to its calibrated level.  A magnet attached to the tipping mechanism actuates a switch as the bucket tips. The momentary switch closure is counted by the pulse-counting circuitry of our data loggers.

TE525WS-L (Rain Gage with 8 in. Orifice)

The TE525MM, manufactured by Texas Electronics, is a tipping bucket rain gage that monitors rainfall in metric rather than US units. It measures in 0.1 mm increments and has a 24.5 cm funnel. This tipping bucket is compatible with all Campbell Scientific data loggers, and is widely used in environmental monitoring applications.

The TE525MM funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to its calibrated level.  A magnet attached to the tipping mechanism actuates a switch as the bucket tips. The momentary switch closure is counted by the pulse-counting circuitry of our data loggers.

TE525MM-L (Metric Rain Gage with 9.6 in. Orifice)

The CS700, manufactured by HS Hyquest Solutions, is a high-end tipping bucket rain gage with an 8 in. orifice and a heavy-duty cast aluminum base. It measures precipitation in 0.01 in. increments. The CS700 is ideal for locations where intense rainfall events may occur. This tipping bucket is compatible with all Campbell Scientific data loggers and is used in environmental monitoring applications.

The CS700 funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to its calibrated level. Each tip is marked by a dual reed switch closure that is recorded by a data logger pulse count channel. After measurement, the water drains through two orifices (accepts 12 mm tubing) in the base, allowing the measured water to be collected in a separate container.

The CS700 contains an internal siphon mechanism that causes rain to flow at a steady rate to the tipping bucket mechanism (regardless of intensity). The siphon allows the sensor to make accurate measurements over a range of 0 to 50 cm per hour.

CS700-L (Rain Gage with 8 in. Orifice)

The TB4, manufactured by HS Hyquest Solutions, is a high-end tipping bucket rain gage that has an 8 in. orifice and measures rainfall in 0.01 in. increments. It is ideal for locations where intense rainfall events may occur. This tipping bucket is compatible with all Campbell Scientific data loggers, and is used in environmental monitoring applications.

The TB4 funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to its calibrated level. Each tip is marked by a dual reed switch closure that is recorded by a data logger pulse count channel. After measurement, the water drains through two orifices (accepts 12 mm tubing) in the base, allowing the measured water to be collected in a separate container.

The TB4 contains an internal siphon mechanism that causes rain to flow at a steady rate to the tipping bucket mechanism (regardless of intensity). The siphon allows the sensor to make accurate measurements over a range of 0 to 50 cm per hour.

TB4-L (Rain Gage with 8 in. Orifice)

The TB4MM, manufactured by HS Hyquest Solutions, is a high-end tipping bucket rain gage that monitors rainfall in metric rather than US units. It has a 20.3 cm orifice and measures rainfall in 0.2 mm increments. The TB4MM is ideal for locations where intense rainfall events may occur. This tipping bucket is compatible with all Campbell Scientific data loggers, and it is used in environmental monitoring applications.
 The TB4MM funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to its calibrated level. Each tip is marked by a dual reed switch closure that is recorded by a data logger pulse count channel. After measurement, the water drains through two orifices (accepts 12 mm tubing) in the base, allowing the measured water to be collected in a separate container.

The TB4MM contains an internal siphon mechanism that causes rain to flow at a steady rate to the tipping bucket mechanism (regardless of intensity). The siphon allows the sensor to make accurate measurements over a range of 0 to 50 cm per hour.

TB4MM-L (Metric Rain Gage with 8 in. Orifice)

The CS700H, manufactured by HS Hyquest Solutions, is a high-end heated tipping bucket rain gage with an 8 in. orifice and a heavy duty cast aluminum base. It measures precipitation in 0.01 in. increments at temperatures down to -20°C. This heated rain gage is ideal for locations where intense rainfall events may occur, and it is used in environmental monitoring applications.

The CS700H funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to its calibrated level. Each tip is marked by a dual reed switch closure that is recorded by a data logger pulse count channel. After measurement, the water drains through two orifices (accepts 12 mm tubing) in the base, allowing the measured water to be collected in a separate container.

The CS700H contains an internal siphon mechanism that causes precipitation to flow at a steady rate to the tipping bucket mechanism (regardless of intensity). The siphon allows the sensor to make accurate measurements over a range of 0 to 50 cm per hour.

The CS700H includes an internal snow sensor that is activated when the air temperature drops below 4°C. If the snow sensor detects snow in the catch area (funnel), the heating elements automatically turn on and keep the funnel temperature at +10°C. To conserve power, the heater goes into a wait mode when snow has not been detected for 18 minutes. The heating element is also automatically deactivated when the air temperature drops below -20°C.

CS700H-L (Heated Rain Gage)

The 52202, manufactured by R. M. Young, is a thermostat-controlled, electrically heated, tipping bucket rain gage. You can use it to measure rain, snow, and other frozen precipitation. Its catchment area of 200 cm2 and measurement resolution of 0.1 mm meet the recommendations of the WMO. This heated rain gage is compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers, and it is used in environmental monitoring applications.

The 52202 funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to the calibrated level. Each tip is marked by a magnetic reed switch closure that is recorded by a Campbell Scientific data logger pulse count channel.

The 52202 has a thermostat-controlled internal heater that melts snow or other frozen precipitation. This heater requires a reliable source of 24 Vac power. A wall transformer is shipped with the 52202 that plugs into a wall socket to provide the required 24 Vac power.

52202-L (Electrically Heated Rain and Snow Gage)

The CS125 uses the well-established forward scatter system for visibility measurement, using a 42° scatter angle, which gives accurate estimates of Meteorological Observable Range (M.O.R.) for fog and snow.

It identifies precipitation particles from their scattering properties and fall speeds, and combines this with a temperature measurement to identify the weather type. It has downward-pointing optics that reduce the risk of contamination of the optics and blockage with snow. Interference to the sample volume from the sensor by flow distortion or heat is minimized.

It also provides reliable present weather information in the form of SYNOP codes, including information on the intensity of precipitation. Accumulation can also be reported.

The CS125 uses continuous high-speed sampling to reduce errors during mixed-weather events and events that return intermittent signals, such as rain and hail, while still providing reliable readings during more stable events, such as fog and mist. The CS125 has high immunity to interference from the visible and infrared warning lights used to mark obstructions, such as wind turbines.

The sensor can be set to a lower sampling frequency to save power, if required.

The CS125 incorporates low-power dew prevention heaters, as well as higher-power anti-icing heaters for the hoods as standard. These heaters are automatically controlled to ensure operation in all weather, or they can be disabled individually to save power.

The CS125 continuously monitors its own status and will report internal faults and contamination or blockage of the sensor lenses. It also has two user-configurable alarm outputs that can be used to drive audio or visual alarms using solid-state relays.

The CS125 is certified by Deutscher Wetterdienst as suitable for use to control wind turbine obstruction light systems as specified by 506/04, General Administrative Rules for the Identification of Aircraft Obstructions.

CS125 Present Weather and Visibility Sensor

The CSIM11-ORP is similar to the CSIM11, but includes a 0.2-in. platinum band wrapped around the glass electrode, which allows the CSIM11-ORP to respond to the electron density in the fluid. It has a plunger-style pH glass electrode that allows the CSIM11-ORP to be mounted at any angle. The probe's porous polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) liquid junction is less susceptible to clogging as compared to conventional reference junctions.

A titanium ground rod runs inside the PPS outer body to eliminate ground loop errors. An internal amplifier boosts the signal, decreasing signal interference. The amplifier is powered by two internal lithium batteries, and thus does not require any current from the data logger. These batteries are designed to last the lifetime of the probe.


The SnowVue™10 is a digital, ultrasonic snow-depth sensor that provides continuous and accurate snow-depth measurements with its advanced spectrum analysis and best-in-class, wide-band transducer. With its low-power requirement and low-maintenance design, the SnowVue 10 is suitable for most alpine and remote installations. The SnowVue 10 also features Campbell Scientific’s total uptime diagnostic package to provide you with critical sensor performance measurements such as internal humidity, temperature, sensor level (tilt), measurement quality, and incoming voltage. An external air temperature sensor is required to correct for the changes in sound velocity due to changes in temperature.

SnowVue 10 Digital Snow-Depth Sensor

The SR50A-EE is an anodized version of Campbell Scientific's acoustic sensor for measuring the distance from the sensor to the snow surface. The sensor has been designed to operate in extreme environmental conditions where corrosion is a concern (such as coastal regions). The SR50A-EE features an aluminum body that has been treated with a Type III, hard-anodizing process (MIL-A-8625 Type III) that delivers best-in-class corrosion and wear resistance.

To properly calculate snow depth from the measured distance, an air temperature measurement is required to correct for variations of the speed of sound in air. This sensor is compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers.

SR50A-EE-L Anodized Sonic Distance Sensor for Extreme Environments

The SDMS40 is a powerful and cost-effective 2D multipoint, laser-based snowfall sensor. In the past, multipoint laser-based snow depth sensors have typically been complex and costly, so the practical SDMS40 was developed to address those issues. Performance and reliability of the device have been proven with thorough testing of the sensor and its measurement method. (Read the white paper.) With the SDMS40, you can enjoy accurate data from a compact, automated, multipoint scanning laser snow depth sensor at a reasonable price.

The ability to quickly and reliably detect the onset of snowfall and snowmelt is a highly sought-after feature in a snow depth sensor, and the SDMS40 does not disappoint. It is one of a few laser sensor models available in the world that can reliably detect the onset of snowfall and snowmelt, and of all the models available, the SDMS40 is the most cost-effective.

Campbell Scientific prides itself on the high quality and accuracy of its products. We won't put our stamp of approval on anything that does not meet our expectations or the needs of our customers, and we want to ensure you can trust the quality and accuracy of the SDMS40 like you would trust any Campbell system. So we field tested the SDMS line of snow sensors over three Canadian winter seasons. It has proven itself to be practical, accurate, and of excellent quality.

SDMS40 (Multipoint Scanning Snowfall Sensor)

The CS725 measures snow-water equivalent (SWE) by passively detecting the change in naturally occurring electromagnetic energy from the ground after it passes through snow cover. It is mounted above the ground and has no contact with the snow. As the snow pack increases, the sensor detects the attenuation of the electromagnetic energy from the ground, and SWE can be calculated. The measurement area of the CS725 is 50 to 100 square meters (540 to 1,075 square feet), making it an excellent replacement sensor for the traditional snow pillow and snow scale.

Common applications for the CS725:

- Hydroelectric power forecasting and hydropower potential forecasting (Read the "Northern Canada: Hydro-electric Power Forecasting" case study.)
- Seasonal run-off management
- Flood forecasting and risk management
- Irrigation planning and management.
The CS725 uses an innovative, non-contact method of measuring snow water equivalent (SWE). It passively detects the change in naturally occurring electromagnetic energy (mainly from the decay of 40K) from the ground after it passes through snow cover.

As SWE changes, the amount of energy that penetrates the snow pack changes—regardless of what state of the water (that is, liquid or frozen). A sensor installed above the ground prior to the first snowfall will have a base-line measurement of the electromagnetic energy coming from the ground. As snow accumulates and energy is attenuated, the SWE value will increase. The CS725 has an internal processor that determines the SWE and sends this information to a data logger or communication device via RS-232.

CS725 (Snow Water Equivalent Sensor)

The SR50AT-L is an acoustic distance sensor that measures the elapsed time between emission and return of an ultrasonic pulse. This measurement can be used to determine snow depth. The SR50AT-L includes an external temperature sensor and outputs a temperature-corrected distance reading, eliminating the need for further post-processing.The SR50AT-L is an acoustic distance sensor that measures the elapsed time between emission and return of an ultrasonic pulse. This measurement can be used to determine snow depth. The SR50AT-L includes an external temperature sensor and outputs a temperature-corrected distance reading, eliminating the need for further post-processing.

The SR50AT is an identical unit to the SR50A with the addition of an external temperature sensor. The temperature sensor requires a six-plate radiation shield. The SR50AT will output a temperature-corrected distance reading, eliminating the need for further post-processing, as well as a separate temperature reading.

The SR50AT was designed to meet the stringent requirements of measuring snow depths and uses a multiple echo processing algorithm to help ensure measurement reliability. The SR50AT is compatible with all current Campbell Scientific data loggers, as well as many other data acquisition systems. An air temperature measurement is required to correct for variations of the speed of sound in air. Either the SR50AT or an existing on-site air temperature sensor can be used. The SR50AT is available with a heater option for locations where rime ice is a problem.

SR50AT-L (Sonic Distance Sensor with Temperature Sensor)

The SR50AH was designed to meet the stringent requirements of measuring depths and uses a multiple echo processing algorithm to help ensure measurement reliability. The addition of a heating element around the transducer prevents ice and rime from coating the transducer with minimal power requirements.

SDI-12, RS-232, and RS-485 output options are available for measuring the SR50AH. Campbell Scientific’s MD485 interface can be used to connect one or more SR50AH sensors in RS-485 mode to an RS-232 device. This can be useful for sensors that require lead lengths that exceed the limits of either RS-232 or SDI-12 communications.

SR50AH-L Heated Sonic Distance Sensor

The SR50ATH is an identical unit to the SR50A with the addition of an external temperature sensor and transducer heater. The temperature sensor requires a six-plate radiation shield. The addition of a heating element around the transducer prevents ice and rime from coating the transducer with minimal power requirements. The SR50ATH outputs a temperature-corrected distance reading, eliminating the need for further post-processing, as well as a separate temperature reading.

The SR50ATH was designed to meet the stringent requirements of measuring snow depths and uses a multiple echo processing algorithm to help ensure measurement reliability. The SR50ATH is compatible with all current Campbell Scientific data loggers, as well as many other data acquisition systems.

SR50ATH-L Sonic Distance Sensor with Heater and Temperature Sensor

The HFP01, manufactured by Hukseflux, measures soil heat flux, typically for energy-balance or Bowen-ratio flux systems. It outputs a voltage signal that is proportional to the heat flux of the surrounding medium. At least two sensors are required for each site to provide spatial averaging. Sites with heterogeneous media may require additional sensors.

The HFP01 uses a thermopile to measure temperature gradients across its plate. Operating in a completely passive way, it generates a small output voltage that is proportional to this differential temperature. Assuming that the heat flux is steady, that the thermal conductivity of the body is constant, and that the sensor has negligible influence on the thermal flow pattern, the signal of the HFP01 is directly proportional to the local heat flux.

The HFP01’s output is in millivolts. To convert this measured voltage to heat flux, it must be divided by the plate’s calibration constant. A unique calibration constant is supplied with each sensor.

Note: In an energy-balance installation, all sensors must be completely inserted into the soil face before the hole is backfilled.

HFP01-L (Soil Heat Flux Plate)

The HFP01SC, manufactured by Hukseflux, measures soil heat flux—typically for energy-balance or Bowen-ratio flux systems. It is intended for applications requiring the highest possible degree of measurement accuracy. The HFP01SC outputs a voltage signal that is proportional to the heat flux of the surrounding medium. At least two sensors are required for each site to provide spatial averaging. Sites with heterogeneous media may require additional sensors.

The HFP01SC consists of a thermopile and a film heater. The thermopile measures temperature gradients across the plate. During the in-situ field calibration, the film heater is used to generate a heat flux through the plate. The amount of power used to generate the calibration heat flux is measured by the data logger. Each plate is individually calibrated, at the factory, to output flux.

Self-calibration corrects for errors due to differences in thermal conductivity between the sensor and surrounding medium, temperature variations, and slight sensor instabilities.

Note: In an energy-balance installation, all sensors must be completely inserted into the soil face before the hole is backfilled.

HFP01SC-L Self-(Calibrating Soil Heat Flux Plate)

The TCAV-L typically provides the average temperature of the top 6 to 8 cm of soil for energy-balance in flux systems. It parallels four thermocouples together into one 24 AWG wire. Each member of a thermocouple pair can then be buried at a different depth. The two pairs are separated at a distance of up to 1 m.

The TCAV uses type E thermocouples, which are comprised of a chromel wire and a constantan wire joined at a measurement junction. A voltage potential is generated when the measurement end of the thermocouple is at a different temperature than the reference end of the thermocouple. The magnitude of the voltage potential is related to the temperature difference. Therefore, temperature can be determined by measuring the differences in potential created at the junction of the two wires.

A reference temperature measurement is required for thermocouple measurements. The temperature sensor built into many of our data loggers' wiring panel typically provides this measurement.

TCAV-L (Averaging Soil Thermocouple Probe)

The SoilVue™10 is a soil water content profile sensor powered by Campbell TrueWave™TDR technology. This soil moisture, electrical conductivity, and temperature profile sensor was developed with environmental researchers and environmental monitoring networks in mind. The SoilVue 10 represents several exciting advancements in in-situ soil measurement that should make this an extremely compelling option for anyone in these applications who needs to make multiple measurements in a profile. 

Campbell Scientific’s proprietary TrueWave TDR technology combines a best-in-class rise time with an advanced waveform analysis technique to determine the true travel time of a high-frequency pulse. This process achieves a high-resolution, smooth signal for measurements that are defensible and can be universally compared with other TDR measurements. Not all TDR-based sensors perform equally well.

SoilVue 10 TDR Soil Moisture and Temperature Profile Sensor

The CS225 is a prime example of our commitment to provide the highest-quality monitoring products in the world. Our revamped design, rigorous validation process, and stringent quality standards are all focused on providing the fantastic quality you require to reliably generate data you can trust, even in the harshest of environments. Learn more about the CS225's quality testing and validation process.

The CS225 temperature string uses multi-point temperature profiles and SDI-12 digital technology for simple integration and reliability. The CS225 consists of an arrangement of temperature sensors mounted in rugged steel-reinforced cable, permitting it to be buried, submerged, or integrated directly into structures. Temperature points are over-molded to provide long-term protection in all mediums. Each CS225 is custom manufactured.

Temperature profiling with the CS225 is suited for a wide variety of applications and environments, including the following:

Borehole temperature profiling and borehole ground measurement
Measuring geothermal heat gradient
Lake stratification and thermal stratification measurement
Soil temperature profiles
Water temperature profiling
Frost heave monitoring
Active layer thickness permafrost monitoring and permafrost depth measurement
Talik ground temperature
Heat flow measurement

  **Rigorous Quality Testing of the CS225 Temperature String**
We know clients need a really tough temperature string. These strings will be pulled through conduit, buried under concrete, frozen underground, and submersed in water, so quality is of the utmost importance. We put the CS225 through various tests to ensure it can withstand bending, pulling, pressure, freeze/thaw cycles, and temperature cycles. This series of tests confirmed the physical and electrical integrity of the CS225.

When power is supplied to the CS225 probe, the internal electronics will continuously measure the temperature at an approximate rate of 1 measurement per second. Every output measurement obtained from the sensor is a running average of 10 consecutive 1-second readings. The accuracy specification is based on an average of 10 consecutive readings. For this purpose, after initial power-up, it is recommended to delay 10 seconds to obtain the best accuracy.

Because the sensor is obtaining a measurement every 1 second, it is recommended to use the Continuous measurement command to obtain the temperature readings. Using the “R” commands will reduce the time taken to obtain a reading with the SDI-12 protocol.

CS225-L SDI-12 (Temperature Sensor String)

The CS655 consists of two 12-cm-long stainless steel rods connected to a printed circuit board. The circuit board is encapsulated in epoxy and a shielded cable is attached to the circuit board for data logger connection.

The CS655 measures propagation time, signal attenuation, and temperature. Dielectric permittivity, volumetric water content, and bulk electrical conductivity are then derived from these raw values.

Measured signal attenuation is used to correct for the loss effect on reflection detection and thus propagation time measurement. This loss-effect correction allows accurate water content measurements in soils with bulk EC ≤8 dS m-1 without performing a soil-specific calibration.

Soil bulk electrical conductivity is also calculated from the attenuation measurement. A thermistor in thermal contact with a probe rod near the epoxy surface measures temperature. Horizontal installation of the sensor provides accurate soil temperature measurement at the same depth as the water content. Temperature measurement in other orientations will be that of the region near the rod entrance into the epoxy body.

CS655 12 cm Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor

The 109SS is a rugged, accurate probe that measures soil or water temperature from -40° to +70°C. The 109SS consists of a thermistor encased in a sheath made from grade 316L stainless steel. The rugged stainless-steel sheath protects the thermistor, allowing you to bury or submerge the 109SS in harsh, corrosive environments. This probe also has a fast time response, and it can be easily interfaced with our data loggers.

 **Detailed Description**
The 109SS thermistor can survive temperatures up to 100°C, but the overmolded joint and cable should not be exposed to temperatures hotter than +70°C.

 **Water Temperature**
The sensor can be submerged to 46 m (150 ft) or 63 psi. Please note that the 109SS is not weighted. Therefore, the installer should either add a weighting system or secure the sensor to a fixed, submerged object, such as a piling.

 **Soil Temperature**
The 109SS is suitable for shallow burial only. Placement of the sensor’s cable inside a rugged conduit may be advisable for long cable runs—especially in locations subject to digging, mowing, traffic, use of power tools, or lightning strikes.

109SS-L (Stainless-Steel Temperature Probe for Harsh Environments)

The CS231 offers the same precise temperature profiling as our CS230 SDI-12 Temperature Profiler, but with a slimmer design for easier use in borehole and road applications. The CS231 requires a smaller installation hole when compared to the CS230. For road applications, this means easier drilling, as well as less time and material to backfill.

The CS231 SDI-12 Temperature Profiler uses SDI-12 digital technology for simple integration. SDI-12 does away with analog measurement inaccuracies and susceptibility to electrical noise. The CS231 consists of a rigid probe assembly and up to four optional external temperature probes. The rigid probe assembly maintains the precise position of the temperature points within the profile, while protecting the temperature sensors in all mediums for the long term.

The CS231 is suited for a wide variety of applications and environments. The completely sealed probe assembly and external probes permit the CS231 to be used in roadbeds, soils, and water (snow and ice). 

Applications where the CS231 is used include spring load adjustment, frost and permafrost monitoring, soil, and water or snowpack temperature profiling.

When power is supplied to the CS231 probe, the internal electronics continuously measure the temperature at an approximate rate of one measurement per second. Every output measurement obtained from the sensor is a running average of 10 consecutive one-second readings. The accuracy specification is based on an average of 10 consecutive readings. For this reason, after the initial power up, it is recommended to delay 10 seconds to obtain the best accuracy.

Because the sensor is obtaining a measurement every one second, it is recommended to use the Continuous measurement command to obtain the temperature readings. Using the “R” commands will reduce the time taken to obtain a reading with the SDI-12 protocol.

CS231-L SDI-12 (Temperature Profiler)

The CS320 combines a blackbody thermopile detector with an acrylic diffuser. This design is a significant improvement when compared with the spectral response of silicon photocell pyranometers, while offering a comparable price. Thermopile pyranometers use a series of thermoelectric junctions (multiple junctions of two dissimilar metals following the thermocouple principle) to provide a signal of several µV/W/m2 proportional to the temperature difference between a black absorbing surface and a reference. The thermopile pyranometer’s black surface uniformly absorbs solar radiation across the solar spectrum.

The 0.2 W heater keeps water (liquid and frozen) off the sensor to minimize errors caused by dew, frost, rain, and snow blocking the radiation path. Dew and rain runoff is faciliated by the dome-shaped sensor head (diffuser and body). This keeps the sensor clean and minimizes errors caused by dust blocking the radiation path. The sensor is housed in a rugged anodize aluminum body, and the electronics are fully potted.

The CS320 pyranometer has sensor-specific calibration coefficients determined during the custom calibration process. Coefficients are programmed into the microcontrollers at the factory. The CS320 has an SDI-12 output (SDI-12 version 1.4), where short-wave radiation (W/m2) is returned in digital format. Measurement of the CS320 pyranometer requires a measurement device with SDI-12 functionality that includes the M or C command.

CS320 Digital Thermopile Pyranometer

Radiation that drives photosynthesis is called photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and is typically defined as total radiation across a range of 400 to 700 nm. PAR is often expressed as photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD): photon flux in units of micromoles per square meter per second (µmol m-2 s-1, equal to microEinsteins per square meter per second) summed from 400 to 700 nm (total number of photons from 400 to 700 nm). While Einsteins and micromoles are equal (one Einstein = one mole of photons), the Einstein is not an SI unit, so expressing PPFD as µmol m-2 s-1 is preferred.

Sensors that measure PPFD are often called quantum sensors due to the quantized nature of radiation. A quantum refers to the minimum quantity of radiation (one photon) involved in physical interactions (for example, absorption by photosynthetic pigments). In other words, one photon is a single quantum of radiation.

Typical applications of quantum sensors include incoming PPFD measurement over plant canopies in outdoor environments or in greenhouses and growth chambers, and reflected or under-canopy (transmitted) PPFD measurement in the same environments.

The CS310 quantum sensor consists of a cast acrylic diffuser (filter), photodiode, and signal processing circuitry mounted in an anodized aluminum housing with a cable to connect the sensor to a measurement device. The CS310 quantum sensor is designed for continuous PPFD measurement in indoor or outdoor environments. It outputs an analog signal that is directly proportional to PPFD. The analog signal from the sensor is directly proportional to radiation incident on a planar surface (does not have to be horizontal), where the radiation emanates from all angles of a hemisphere.

CS310 Quantum (PAR) Sensor

The SurfaceVue™10 is a road condition sensor designed for use with your Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS). This non-invasive sensor uses spectroscopic analysis to provide you with surface state, friction, water, and ice layer thickness data. The SurfaceVue 10 also measures surface temperature, air temperature, dew point, air pressure, and wind speed parameters. This data provides you with vital information to make better maintenance and operational decisions.

SurfaceVue 10 Fixed-(Location, Non-Invasive Road Surface Condition and Temperature Sensor)

The SR30-L, an ISO 9060:2018 spectrally flat Class A (secondary standard) pyranometer manufactured by Hukseflux, features Recirculating Ventilation and Heating (RVH™) technology. As a standalone unit, the SR30-L is fully compliant with IEC 61724-1 standards, whereas other pyranometers would require external ventilation/heating units to be compliant. The SR30-L is an ideal instrument for solar resource and PV performance monitoring.

SR30-L Class A Pyranometer with RS-485 Modbus Communications with Integrated Heating and Ventilation

The Wintersense SDI-12 is a remote road surface temperature sensor designed for use with your Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS). It is an easy-to-deploy, non-invasive, compact, and lightweight sensor that you can mount on existing roadside structures such as streetlight columns or RWIS towers. The Wintersense SDI-12 has a cabled connection for power and communications with an RWIS station or data logger for data storage and forwarding. 

With accurate, real-time road surface temperature data, you can forecast your winter road treatments, preventing traffic accidents and potential loss of life.

The Wintersense SDI-12 is equipped with a thermopile sensor that detects the presence of thermal radiation emitted from the target surface. The sensor also has an integrated optical filter that cuts off the visible and near-infrared radiation flux so that you get optimum ambient and sunlight immunity. These features, combined with an eight-second signal-averaging algorithm, provide you with best-of-class data for these measurement parameters:

Road surface temperature
Air temperature
Relative humidity
Installation angle
Sensor temperature

Wintersense SDI-12 Non-(Invasive Surface Temperature Sensor)

The CMP10 measures solar radiation with a high-quality blackened thermopile protected by two glass domes. Its flat spectral sensitivity, from 285 to 2800 nm, makes it ideal for applications in natural sunlight, under plant canopies, in greenhouses or buildings, and inverted to measure reflected solar radiation.

An internal drying cartridge prevents dew from forming on the inner sides of the CMP10's domes. Campbell Scientific also offers the CVF4 heater/ventilator that keeps its domes free from ice and dew.

The CMP10 includes a white snap-on sun shield that reduces the sensor's temperature. A bubble level and adjusting leveling screws enable the sensor to be leveled without using a leveling base.

The CMP10 produces a millivolt signal that is measured directly by a Campbell Scientific data logger.

CMP10-L ISO Class A Pyranometer

PT Manvis Teknologi Enjinering

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